35, rue des Trois Bornes 75011 Paris, France

How to order prints…

David Henry in the press

pictures of Paris and France printed in books, magazines, newspapers and calendars: Time Out Paris Free Guide, Home magazine, New York Newsday, The Connection, Art Papers, Historia, What You Need, Réponses Photo, EasyJet magazine, The da Vinci Code, Adbusters, Four Seasons magazine, Graphique de France.

All of these pictures are available as high-resolution TIFF image files and naturally any of these pictures can be converted to black and white. Many others were taken at each photo shoot, so there are plenty of other choices if you don’t see exactly what you are looking for. Photography shoots can also be arranged in Paris and the surrounding regions…

Grammy-winning singer/songwriter Aimee Mann—famous for her velvet acid voice and tomboy sensuality—reminisces about her days in Boston’s punk scene of the early 1980s.

“That’s Aimee with a double E”, Boston Common magazine

Fashions by Édith & Raphaël

Time Out Paris Free Guide cover

Fashions by Édith & Raphaël

Made to measure: Baroque ’n’ Roll, Time Out Paris Free Guide

A portrait in color of Frances Brown, taken by David Henry and published in March 2023

Fran Brown in the Absolutely Hertfordshire Magazine

Patricia Killeen in front of the Lido on the Champs-Élysées in Paris, June 2018

Patricia Killeen writing about the Lido in the Irish Times

The Lachaume florist shop at 103, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, in the magazine «Paris Capitale», June 2018

La vitrine de Lachaume dans le magazine Paris Capitale

The H2O dry cleaning shop in the September 11th 2012 issue of the newspaper «Le Parisien».

Nettoyage écologique tout en beauté dans le journal Le Parisien

The H2O dry cleaning shop in the September 11th issue of the newspaper «Le Figaro».

Quand le design favorise le commerce dans le journal Le Figaro

Two color photographs of the H2O dry cleaning shop in the November 2011 issue of the magazine «Home».

Les pressing H2O révolutionnent les teintureries traditionnelles! dans le magazine Home

Two color photographs of the H2O dry cleaning shop in the magazine «Sols, Murs et Plafonds», page 18 of the September 2011 issue.

Le Pressing H2O dans le magazine Sols, Murs et Plafonds

Essential Travels: le café Pick-Clops.

The Pick-Clops café in Attitude magazine

The corners of France, an article about tourism in Alsace-Lorraine, France.

Itinerary Ideas, Corners of France in New York Newsday, the Travel section

Tuning into café life: Musicians perform to evening driners outside a café in place de la Bastille, published on page 36 in The Connexion, November 2003.

Disco is out, live is cool in The Connection

Glitzy addresses on rue Manin in the Connnexion.

The Paris property market remains “active” in The Connection

The servers race, in the Saddlebag Notes.

The servers race in Saddlebag Notes

René Pierre

René Pierre Billiards shop in the Time Out Visitors’ Guide

The history of tennis on display in Paris.

The Roland Garros Tennis Museum in the Time Out Visitors’ Guide

Dans le Noir restaurant, where guests dine in complete darkness.

Dans le Noir restaurant in the Time Out Visitors’ Guide

While bars in the Balkans and former Soviet states are characterized by the fug of filterless fags, many of those in the West are zoned or completely smoke-free.

Paris: 100% tobacco in the Time Out Visitors’ Guide

On place de l’Alma an oversized metallic flame holds vigil over the tunnel where Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed perished in a highspeed encounter with a concrete pillar on 31 August 1997.

The “Diana Liberty Flame” in the Time Out Visitors’ Guide

Red curtains, potted plants and imposing pillars comprise a good portion of the decor, but really this is authentic east Paris with superior bar fare thrown in.

Bistrot Sainte-Marthe in the Time Out Visitors’ Guide

For Brown’s “symbologist” hero, works of art and architecture hold genuine clues to unsuspected mysteries.

Jeu de piste le long du méridien de Paris dans Sciences et Avenir

For Brown’s “symbologist” hero, works of art and architecture hold genuine clues to unsuspected mysteries.

Secrets of the code: Do Dan Brown’s readers learn something real about art? Art Papers

Marie-Madeleine aurait eu une fille de Jésus, qui aurait donné naissance à la dynastie de Mérovingiens. Une lignée perpétuée grâce au Sang Réal, le Saint-Graal…

La vie amoureuse de Jésus: Un secret de famille bien gardé? Historia

A 66-page color magazine published seasonally, written to help newcomers settle in to the city of Paris.

Outings in Paris: the best of the 5th and 6th arrondissements, in What You Need magazine

An announcement for photography workshops by David Henry printed on page 154, in the October 2005 edition of one of the leading photography magazines in France.

Paysages parisiens insolites: Stages photos à Paris, dans Réponses Photo

The Gentry de Paris line, now with 30 pieces in each collection, is very classic, harking back to the glamour of Hollywood sirens.

Lingerie designer Gentry Lane in EasyJet’s inflight magazine

Les membres de SOS Éducation entendus sur le dossier des enseignants sans éleves.

Une voiture en flammes: le dossier des enseignants sans élèves dans le bulletin de SOS Éducation

Published by Kadokawa Shoten Publishing in the Japanese translation of the da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, April 2006.

The da Vinci Code in Japanese

À la recherche du Graal: Suivez les traces de Robert Langon et de Sophie Neveu.

Thomas Cook Belgium’s Da Vinci Code City Trips

A sort of a diary based on the best-selling novel by Dan Brown.

The Da Vinci Code Travel Journal

Quand le support de l’œuvre n’appartient pas a l’auteur.

Le squat de la rue de la Grange-aux-Belles dans “Justice for street art”, édité par Gramond & Associés

Quand le support de l’œuvre n’appartient pas a l’auteur.

Le squat artistique de la Grange-aux-Belles dans Les procès de l’art, Éditions Palette

“Ultimately, what we want is to break down the boundary between the squat and the surrounding urban territory” —Alex Foti, Milan, Italy.

A squat on rue de la Grange-aux-Belles in Paris in Adbusters

Located in the heart of Paris’s trendy canal Saint-Martin area in the Tenth Arrondissement, rue Beaurepaire has blossomed into a major hot spot.

Rue Beaurepaire in the Four Seasons magazine

Black and white photographs of the Louvre museum and the Eiffel Tower.

The Eiffel Tower and the musée du Louvre in Graphique de France’s Paris calendars

Enter the gallery of photographs of Paris

Portraits in Paris: with your family, friends and loved ones in the City of Light and the famous monuments of Paris in the background.

See the pictures I’ve taken in England

Take a look at the pictures I published in the Traveler’s Companion series of tourism/travel guide books, pictures of Canada, New England and Mediterranean France

Photography workshops in Paris: Learn the secrets behind these pictures!

Go to the home page of my web site

See the pictures I’ve taken in the United States

Take a look at the pictures I have taken on trips to Italy

See the pictures I took on a trip through Alsace-Lorraine

Take a look at the pictures I took on a trip through Switzerland

Jetlag and culture shock: Read my thoughts on what it is like taking pictures in Paris

How to order prints…