35, rue des Trois Bornes 75011 Paris, France

How to order prints…

Pictures of Eastern France

by David Henry: photographs of Strasbourg and the villages of Riquewihr and Guebwiller in Alsace-Lorraine. Regardez cette page en français

A saturated blue wall in Riquewihr Sidewalk fox, Riquewihr Wisteria in Guebwiller A view inside a courtyard in Guebwiller A back street in Guebwiller Late-night ambiance in Strasbourg Barrage de Vauclause, Strasbourg
An archway leading off from Riquewihr’s main street

An archway leading off from Riquewihr’s main street.

A sidewalk fox draws visitors inside for wine tasting in Riquewihr

A sidewalk fox draws visitors inside for wine tasting in Riquewihr.

Creeping wisteria adorn a saturated yellow wall in Guebwiller

Creeping wisteria adorn a wall in Guebwiller.

A view inside a courtyard in Guebwiller

A view inside a courtyard in Guebwiller.

A view down a back street in Guebwiller

A view down a back street in Guebwiller, on Alsace’s Route de Vin.

Late-night ambiance in Strasbourg’s Petite France neighborhood.

Late-night ambiance in Strasbourg’s Petite France neighborhood.

Le Barrage de Vauclause, seen from les ponts Couverts

Le Barrage (dam) de Vauclause was built to protect Strasbourg from water-borne attack in the seventeenth century.

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See the pictures I’ve taken in the United States

Take a look at the pictures I published in the Traveler’s Companion series of tourism/travel guide books, pictures of Canada, New England and Mediterranean France

Jetlag and culture shock: Read my thoughts on what it is like taking pictures in Paris

See the pictures I’ve taken in England

Photography workshops in Paris: Learn the secrets behind these pictures!

Portraits in Paris: with your family, friends and loved ones in the City of Light and the famous monuments of Paris in the background.

Take a look at the pictures I took on a trip through Switzerland

What does all this new technology mean for photographers? Read my thoughts on digital photography.

Take a look at the pictures I have taken on trips to Italy

See the pictures I’ve taken elsewhere in France

How to order prints…