35, rue des Trois Bornes 75011 Paris, France

How to order prints…

Photos of da Vinci Code Paris

pictures of Saint-Sulpice Church, the musée du Louvre, l’arc du Carrousel, I.M. Pei’s Inverted Pyramid, pont du Carrousel and the jardin des Tuileries, by photographer David Henry. Regardez cette page en français

I was commissioned by Random House/Doubleday to take pictures in Paris for the special collectors’ illustrated edition of “The da Vinci Code”, by Dan Brown, a visual, guided tour through all the places mentioned in the novel, released November 2nd 2004. Tom Reeves and Monique Wells wrote an article about what it was like photographing the Da Vinci Code.

Go to the main index of photographs of Paris, or take a look at pictures of…

All of these pictures are available as high-resolution TIFF image files and naturally any of these pictures can be converted to black and white. Many others were taken at each photo shoot, so there are plenty of other choices if you don’t see exactly what you are looking for. Photography shoots can also be arranged in Paris and the surrounding regions…

«Impressions de France», a TV show about the da Vinci Code in Paris, broadcast in China.

Watch a TV show about the Da Vinci Code in which I appeared.

The entrance to the Ritz Hotel in place Vendôme.

The Ritz Hotel in place Vendôme

An Arago plaque next to the palais Royal.

One of the Arago plaques that mark the Rose Line in Paris

An Arago medallion on Paris’ “Rose line” next to the Comédie Française.

One of the Arago Medallions placed along Paris’ “Rose Line”

The eastern side of l’arc de triomphe du Carrousel.

L’arc du Carrousel at the western end of the Louvre

The Carrousel du Louvre’s Pyramide Inversée at night.

The Pyramide Inversée in the Carrousel du Louvre

The Carrousel du Louvre’s Inverted Pyramid at night.

The Carrousel du Louvre’s Inverted Pyramid

An exterior view of the Inverted Pyramid, the Carrousel du Louvre’s skylight at night.

The Pyramide Inversée next to the musée du Louvre

Stars embedded in the wood floor of the Grande Galerie inside the Louvre Museum.

The floor of the Grande Galerie inside the musée du Louvre

The top-central portion of Saint-Sulpice Church’s main façade at night.

The second level of Église Saint-Sulpice’s façade

The plaque on the astronomical gnomon inside Saint-Sulpice Church.

The plaque at the bottom of the astronomical gnomon, inside Saint-Sulpice Church

The summer equinox plaque inside Saint-Sulpice Church.

The summer equinox plaque inside Saint-Sulpice Church

The Astronomical Gnomen inside Saint-Sulpice Church.

The astronomical gnomon inside Saint-Sulpice Church

The Lady Chapel behind the altar of Saint-Sulpice Church.

The chapel of the Holy Virgin, behind the high altar inside église Saint-Sulpice

The eastern side of l’Arc de Triomphe at night.

The western façade of Arc de Triomphe seen from the Champs-Élysées

The main façade of Sacré Cœur Basilica at night.

Montmartre by night: Basilique Sacré-Cœur

Notre-Dame Cathedral’s Portal of Saint-Anne.

cathédrale Notre-Dame’s southern doorway

Pont du Carrousel looking toward the Guichets du Louvre.

Pont du Carrousel, between the Louvre Museum and the Seine

Go to the home page of my web site

See the pictures I’ve taken in the United States

Take a look at the pictures I published in the Traveler’s Companion series of tourism/travel guide books, pictures of Canada, New England and Mediterranean France

Jetlag and culture shock: Read my thoughts on what it is like taking pictures in Paris

See the pictures I’ve taken in England

Take a look at the pictures I have taken on trips to Italy

Photography workshops in Paris: Learn the secrets behind these pictures!

Portraits in Paris: with your family, friends and loved ones in the City of Light and the famous monuments of Paris in the background.

See the pictures I took on a trip through Alsace-Lorraine

What does all this new technology mean for photographers? Read my thoughts on digital photography.

Take a look at the pictures I took on a trip through Switzerland

See the pictures I’ve taken elsewhere in France

How to order prints…