35, rue des Trois Bornes 75011 Paris, France

How to order prints…

Photographs of Massa­chusetts

by David Henry. Here are the pictures I had published in the Traveler’s New England Companion, with the captions that appear below them. This book was written by Laura Purdom and published in September of 1999 by The Globe Pequot Press, ISBN number 0-7627-0486-1. Regardez cette page en français

The Silvernail Barn, West Stockbridge The Public Gardens, Boston Coleus mixed in with a cast-iron fence The “Big Dig” Boston The Calvin Theater, Northampton Billy Kaie’s Horses, West Stockbridge A rock on Westport Beach A brick building on Commercial Street, Boston
The Silvernail Barn, West Stockbridge

The interior of this West Stockbridge, Massachusetts, barn will become a modern dwelling, though the exterior will remain essentially unchanged, preserving a traditional New England landscape.

The Public Gardens, Boston

Ducks crossing Frog Pond in the Public Gardens, Boston.

Red-leaved coleus intertwined in a wrought-iron fence in Boston’s South End.

Coleus and cast-iron adorn a South End brownstone in Boston.

The Big Dig

Eying a “glory hole”. Lunchtime pedestrians on Atlantic Avenue follow progress on the “Big Dig”.

The Calvin Theater, Northampton

Northampton’s restored Calvin Theater brings legends of jazz to town at 19 King Street. I edited this picture heavily before publishing it. See how this picture looked before I modified it.

Billy Kaie’s horses

Farmland surround the village of West Stockbridge. These sturdy steeds are enjoying their pasture after a hard day’s work.

A rock on Westport Beach

Seaspray and golden sunlight wash a section of New England’s granite shore in Westport.

An end of the nineteenth century brick warehouse at 357 Commercial Street in Boston.

The Lincoln Power Station was built in 1901 on tidal fill as a coal-fired electric plant for the Boston Elevated Railway. The plant operated until the mid-1970s and was converted in to condominiums at the end of the 1980s.

Go to the home page of my web site

Enter the gallery of photographs of Paris

See the pictures I’ve taken in the United States

Take a look at the pictures I published in the Traveler’s Companion series of tourism/travel guide books, pictures of Canada, New England and Mediterranean France

Jetlag and culture shock: Read my thoughts on what it is like taking pictures in Paris

See the pictures I’ve taken in England

Take a look at the pictures I took on a trip through Switzerland

Photography workshops in Paris: Learn the secrets behind these pictures!

Portraits in Paris: with your family, friends and loved ones in the City of Light and the famous monuments of Paris in the background.

Take a look at the pictures I took on a trip through Switzerland

What does all this new technology mean for photographers? Read my thoughts on digital photography.

Take a look at the pictures I have taken on trips to Italy

See the pictures I’ve taken elsewhere in France

How to order prints…