A self portrait of a photographer taken with studio lighting. A mailbox next to hôpital Saint-Louis in the 10th arrondissement in Paris
35, rue des Trois Bornes 75011 Paris, France
A photographer wearing sunglasses in Versailles.

Messages which you, my visitors, have sent

6 novembre 2016

A web page announcement saying a photographer has won a photo contest.

Des jeunes protestant les résultats électoraux de Le Pen devant la colonne de Juillet, le premier mai 2002. Le Front National, le parti politique de l’extrême droite en France, est venu en deuxième lors du premier rond des elections présidentielles, le 21 avril 2002. Ces resultats ont déclenchés une série de manifestations dans la rue, presque une tous les jours.

Gérald Vidamment

Bonsoir David,

Près de 1700 participations ont été enregistrées pour l’appel à projet «La chambre rouge • I dream I am red», organisé par Compétence Photo, en partenariat avec Le Salon de la Photo et Art Photo Lab. Après délibérations, le jury a retenu 43 photographies qui seront exposées au Salon de la Photo, du 10 au 14 novembre 2016, sur le stand de Compétence Photo (hall 5.2 allée A15).

Si je vous contacte ce jour, c’est pour vous annoncer que l’image que vous avez soumise a été sélectionnée par le jury. Au nom du jury, je vous en félicite.

L’exposition La chambre rouge fera l’objet d’une installation singulière que, je l’espère, vous viendrez découvrir durant les cinq jours que dure le Salon.

—Gérald Vidamment
Compétence Photo // Rédacteur en chef

8 mai 2010

Eric Gilles

Bonjour M. Henry,

En tapant «lettres romaines» sur le web, j’ai découvert votre site.

En parcourant les photos de la Madeleine, j’ai été stupéfait de la qualité et de la diversité de vos photos.

En quelques minutes, je me suis laissé guider par les photos comme si je voyais Paris pour la première fois.

J’ai été agréablement surpris et ému de pouvoir partager votre passion.

Étant dans le secteur des cosmétiques et en particulier la beauté des êtres vivants, nous avons en commun de mettre en avant ce que nous voyons de la vie et de le partager entre nous aux quatre coins du monde.

Aussi, je ne manquerai pas de vous contacter quand j’aurai vu l’ensemble de votre album qui mérite vraiment d’être connu et reconnu par tous.

Encore merci pour le bon moment que j’ai passé en regardant quelques photos de votre album, en votre compagnie.

En vous souhaitant beaucoup de succès et une longue vie de partage et de passion amoureuse.

—Eric G.

30 mai 2008

Sandra Elie


Je reviens vers vous suite aux deux jours que vous avez passé avec mon père car je tenais à vous remercier très sincèrement.

Il est enchanté et intarissable sur tout ce que vous lui avez montré, vous lui avez redonné le goût à la photo comme dans sa jeunesse!

Plus moyen qu’il s’arrête, tout y passe mais heureusement la qualité des photos a nettement progressé!!!

Encore un Grand Merci pour votre aide et je n’hésiterai pas à parler de vous autour de moi.

Bonne continuation,
Meilleures salutations,

A young bride-to-be in the musée du Louvre

Lynn in the passage between the cour Carrée and the cour Napoléon in the musée du Louvre, Paris.

August 16th 2006

David Lu

Dear David,

We received the photos yesterday. You can’t imagine how we and our entire family enjoy these fantastic pictures! The photos just couldn’t be better.

Lynn and I want to express our deep gratefulness to your great effort in helping us realize one of our biggest dreams to take wedding photos in Paris. Our wedding ceremony will be on October 7th and these pictures will be unveiled to all of our friends and relatives on that special occasion.

Best regards from our family,
—David and Lynn

February 4th 2005

Sébastien Filippini

Dear sir,

I just wanted to let you know how much I admire the quality of your photographs, above all those of Paris. These days I am a Parisian expatriate living in Marseille and I don’t have the chance to wander around Paris as I did for so many years. I also have tried to take a few pictures, but unfortunately, I do not have your gift for photography. Your site is a feast for the eye, above all for someone as nostalgic as I and I thank you for that.

—Sébastien Filippini


Je voulais simplement vous témoigner mon admiration pour la qualité de vos photos, notamment celles concernant Paris. Je suis aujourd’hui un parisien expatrié à Marseille et je n’ai plus trop l’occasion de me balader à Paris comme je l’ai fait pendant tant d’années. Moi aussi, j’ai tenté de prendre quelques clichés, mais je n’ai malheureusement pas le don de la photographie. Votre site est un régal pour les yeux, surtout pour un nostalgique et je vous en remercie.

—Sébastien Filippini

A photographer taking pictures in Paris.
David Henry taking pictures in the courtyard of the musée Carnavalet in the Marais, Paris, September 6th 2005. —photo by Linda Schenck, California

January 10th 2005

Timothy Stimson

Dear sir,

I’ve told tens of people about your work and how it really brings the da Vinci Code book alive, with the dimension of sight and the material is also a work worthy as a stand alone piece of art in its right.

You have shown some very fine art touches and are accruing a large fan base here in England.

You’d be amazed how many people have read and discussed the book and then I get to tell of your work and the webpage. Not one of my friends hasn’t come back to me with praise for your work. It’s amazing what your work adds to the debates.

I just want to thank you for taking the time to write in reply to my first email. It is an honour.

Thank you and god bless you for the future.

best regards,
—Mr Timothy Stimson

A screen capture of a web page showing that a photographer has won a photo contest.

In second place, David Henry

Just behind, David Henry has perfectly succeeded in capturing the essence of the contest theme, “Hot and Spicy”, in a style usually seen in magazine reporting. His unique representation of a river of fire in black and white is quite spectacular, despite the absence of color, the viewer can just about smell the acrid odor of petrol. The tones are well balanced and the background, though quite visible and in focus, does not distract from the foreground and thus avoids drawing the viewers’ eyes away from the main subject.

June 28th 2004

Jesaja Everling

Mr. Henry,

It is our pleasure to announce that you are one of the winners of Minolta’s “Hot and Spicy” photography contest.

Your prize can be seen at www.konicaminolta­photoworld.com. Congratulations!

Please let us know your mailing address so we can send you your 256-megabyte CompactFlash memory card.

Jesaja Everling
CCDS Communication & Design GmbH
D-50986 Cologne, Germany

Monsieur Henry,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que vous êtes gagnant du concours photo Minolta «Chaud et épicé».

L’article correspondant se trouve sous www.konicaminoltaphotoworld.com. Félicitations!

Veuillez bien nous indiquer votre adresse postale pour que nous puissions vous envoyer la carte mémoire CompactFlash de 256 Mo.

Veuillez agréer, Monsieur, l’expression de nos sentiments distingués.

—Jesaja Everling
CCDS Communication & Design GmbH
D-50986 Cologne, Germany

June 3rd, 2004

Bernie Bicoy

Dear Mr. Henry,

I recently returned from my first trip to Paris. And as I usually do was scouring the internet for pictures of the city to supplement my own tourist photographs with other photographs with different angles and perspectives and shots I just missed, of places I have visited.

Then I came upon your website… The feeling your photographs evoked in me were the same feelings I get when viewing particular paintings that affect me emotionally; of not just wanting to be there, but actually feeling that with just a little stretch of the imagination I could be there with all of my senses, touch, taste, smell and feel, actively engaged in absorbing the experience depicted in the art work.

When I left your site I was quite literally trembling with same barely suppressed emotion of the discovery of a new discovered perspective or idea.

I seldom write unsolicited emails and am only doing so now to express my admiration. I hope your work has brought you the satisfaction it gave me. A satisfaction exceeded only by my jealousy of your talent. As far as I am concerned you are the best.

—Bernie Bicoy
Newport Beach, California

May 27, 2004

Joneen Jackson

M. Henry,

Hello! How are you? I hope this message gets to you! I just wanted to tell you that I have had your website up in my computer every day at work for almost two months now! I absolutely love the way your pictures come up on my screen automatically… it’s so nice to have such beautiful screen savers that are ever-changing! My co-workers walk passed my computer and stop to look at the pictures all the time. They are very interesting. I especially love the cursor captions and the captions that come with every picture, they tell me a story and I get to have the feeling that I’m traveling again. Thank you so much for taking such beautiful pictures, David. Your photographs have really made working indoors at a computer way more enjoyable!

—Joneen Jackson

Isabelle Boyer

May 23, 2004

Mr. Henry,

Thank you for letting us see such beautiful pictures! I truly recognize Belleville in them, each spot is depicted with love and attention, the colors are splendid, the spirit of the neighborhood is there in every picture! Congratulations, really, for such a vision of the city (it reminds me that since I have been so busy managing the organization, that I forget to take the time to take good pictures: it makes me want to start again!)

Isabelle Boyer, management team and co-director of the «Belleville Insolite» Association

M. Henry,

Merci pour nous avoir permis de voir de si belles photos!! Je reconnais bien là Belleville, chaque lieu y est présenté avec attention et amour, les couleurs sont vraimment splendide et l’esprit du quartier est présent dans chaque cliché! Vraimment bravo pour une telle «vision» de la ville (ça fais penser que depuis que je suis très impliquée dans la gestion de notre association j’oublie de prendre le temps de faire de belles photos: ça me redonne envie!).

Isabelle Boyer, équipe de direction et co-créatrice de l’association «Belleville Insolite»

April 23, 2004

Bethany Sampson

Mr. Henry,

I recently ran across your work while searching for photographs of France and Italy on the Internet. I am about to embark on my first ever journey to Europe, from Texas. I am incredibly excited. Your pictures were some of the most beautiful images I have ever seen. The way you capture life and beauty and the color differentiation, truly talented. I feel like I have already been to France and Italy through your pictures. I hope I can find all those beautiful places so lovingly captured with your camera. I was a French Opera/Advanced Vocal Performance major in college but have always been fascinated in photography, I just was never any good at it… Thanks so much for sharing your photographs with us all, they are truly inspiring.

—Bethany Sampson

March 30, 2004

Trish Reynales

TRAVEL + LIFE has been named a finalist in no less than three categories for the Western Publications Association’s annual Maggie Awards, including Best Consumer Travel Magazine and Best Cover. The magazine also landed a nomination for Best Feature Article for “Journey to the Center of the Earth,” writer Jeff Greenwald’s insightful look at the kaleidoscopic attractions of India. The prestigious awards are given once a year to entrants culled from 24 states. Winners will be announced April 23, 2004.

Thanks to all of you!

—Trish Reynales
Editor in Chief

January 6, 2004

Katie Crosby


Your work is a delight to the eyes. I have been wandering about looking at all the breathtaking photos that you have taken. I teach World Culture Regions to 7th graders and I try to take them to sites where they can have a feel for the different places that we study. Often, I find tourist pictures, but very little that grasps the cultural “feel” of a place. Your photos are not only good photos (I know because I am a former Art Teacher as well), they also capture the essence of the subjects that you have photographed. Beautiful work! Thanks for sharing them on the Web!

—Katie Crosby
Social Studies Teacher
Ruffin Middle School
Ruffin, SC

Minolta’s logo. A burning car next to the musée du Louvre.

December 17, 2003

Yan Salmon
Responsable Marketing
Minolta France S.A.S.


Toutes nos félicitations!

Nous vous remercions de votre participation au grand concours organisé par Réponses Photo, 20 Minutes et Minolta sur le thème «Paris Insolite». Nous sommes heureux que votre créativité ait été plébiscitée par le jury.

Minolta France a donc le plaisir de vous faire parvenir votre lot:

Un appareil photo numérique Minolta DiMage Xt.

Nous vous renouvelons nos félicitations et vous prions d’agréer, Monsieur, l’expression de nos salutations distinguées.

Dear Sir,


Thank you for taking part in the contest organized by Réponses Photo, 20 Minutes and Minolta on the theme “Unusual Paris”. We are very happy that your creativity has been recognized by the jury!

Minolta France is pleased to send you your prize:

A Minolta DiMAGE Xt digital camera

Once again, we congratulate you. Very truly yours,

—Yan Salmon
Marketing Manager

December 5, 2004

Minolta’s logo/graphic for their photo contest in 2004 in Paris.

Sylvie Hugues
Réponses Photo Magazine


Merci beaucoup pour votre participation à notre concours «Paris Insolite».

Le jury vous a décerné le 9è prix. Vous avez donc remporté plusieurs prix, à savoir:

Un compact numérique de poche Minolta Dimage Xt.

Nous transmettons ce jour vos coordonnées à la société Minolta qui va gérer votre dossier.

Toute la rédaction vous félicite et vous souhaite bonne continuation dans la photographie.


Thank you very much for your participation in our «Paris Insolite» contest.

The jury has awarded you 9th prize. You have won several prizes, which is to say:

A Minolta Dimage Xt pocket digital camera

We are sending your contact information to Minolta today, they will be in charge of sending you the camera.

The entire team at Réponses Photo congratulates you and wishes you the best of luck in photography.

—Sylvie Hugues
Editor in Chief

November 28, 2001

Brian Sadler

Dear David,

I was surfing for desktop images and had Amalfi in mind. Someone just asked me where the coolest place I have traveled to was and I answered with Amalfi, Italy.

Your site came up and I was astounded by seeing the Amalfi Port at dusk. I left that from that port this summer in the late evening and I thought I had never left for a split moment. What an amazing photograph. I actually stayed a few steps from the courtyard picture you took in Atrani.

I took pictures of Amalfi, but lost the camera under a train in Venice a night later. A full roll of film devoted to Atrani and Amalfi was in the camera and I am sore still from losing it. I don’t know what you mean by “arranging something,” but I would love to be able to put those pictures on my desktop.

I am not sure what kind of people you deal with, but I would just love to see those pictures every day. I am not interested in using them for anything else.

Your photography is beautiful and I am just so excited to see something that resembles what pictures I lost this summer. If you are interested in granting me my wish, I would further beg for any other Amalfi pictures that you have besides the ones in your site.

A photographer taking pictures of a young woman in Paris.

David Henry photographing Lucy in the Saint-Sulpice neighborhood in Paris. —photo by Jérôme Cohen

Call me foolish for begging, but I had to ask.

—Brian Sadler

March 30, 2001

David Henry (!)

Bonjour David,

I just came across your website: This may sound strange, but what should I say other than I feel in my own shoes… As a matter of fact, we both use the same name. I was born in the South of France, have some relatives in Detroit, worked for several months in Italy and Germany and I’ve lived in Paris since 1996. I spent some time last week in Boston where I met some of my e-business colleagues… Technically, you succeeded fantastically in giving your work the maximum exposure and brightness. I couldn’t comment so much upon the artistic «touche». I’m not too qualified, but know and appreciate the places you’ve been (sorry we’ve been) and like the parti-pris you retain in your/our eyes.

I’d like to thank you for this great moment of schizophrenia in my life.

—Monsieur HENRY

November 22, 2000

An announcement in Amateur Photographer, edition of November 22, 2000

A clipping from Amateur Photographer, edition of November 22, 2000

Glenn Harper

Hello David,

Your web site has appeared as suggested in this week’s edition of Amateur Photographer. You’ll probably have a few more visitors for a while as a result! Once I’ve finished with the mag, I’ll send it to you. The review is in a quarter-page box and shows your opening Massachusetts page. Here’s the complete article for you to read:

“A reader recommended that I visit this site. The work of Paris-based American photographer David Henry has appeared in many publications. His web site contains an extensive mixture of reportage and travel shots taken in Europe and the US that are definitely a cut above most web images. My favourites are his shots from Paris, Italy and Massachusetts. The more you move around the site, the more you find. For instance, there are David’s thoughts on being a US photographer in Paris and an example of how digital technology helped one of his photographs. A reasonably well-designed site, except for the fact that not all the pages are immediately obvious. —Sarah Jackson”

Keep up the good work!

Best Wishes,

September 1, 2000

Kate Webb


I have never before written to a stranger, however your photographs of Paris so moved me that I wanted to say thank you for the joy you have just brought me.

As I scrolled through your photographs I was transported back in time, once again I was strolling along the banks of the Seine, standing below the tour Eiffel and wandering through the streets of Paris.

All my life I had dreamt about the day I would finally see France/Paris, although you could say that for me it was more of an obsession than a dream. Now that I have been, I long to go again, I feel that in my blood I am French and live for the day when I am able to see this country again.

My other passion in life is photography and although I am not a professional, one day I aspire to take photographs such as the likes of yourself. Not just pictures of places but photographs that truly move people, images that will remain with them long after they have viewed them. Photographs that will transport the viewer to another time and another place, leave them with the feeling that they were truly there.

I want to be able to take photographs through my heart and soul and eyes, not just through my camera.

A week ago I bought myself a new camera outfit, I am now the proud owner of a Canon EOS 5 SLR, a Canon 24–85mm lens, a Canon 75–300mm lens, a Canon 2x converter and a Tamron 90mm macro lens, hopefully one day soon I will deserve to own them.

Thank you again for sharing Paris with me, it has inspired me and given me new determination.

—Kate Webb

July 1, 2000

Laura Smith

Dear Mr. Henry,

I recently discovered your web site and was extremely impressed. I apologize in advance of sounding ignorant of your art, but I freely admit that I have little working knowledge of it. I only know what moves me. I am a graduate student of music, my only claim to any superficial knowledge of photography being that my best friend is a photographer herself. As I said, however, I was very moved by your work, especially some of the Paris photos.

I hope this is not an unreasonable request, but I was wondering if there is any way for me to get a hold of some of your photographs for myself. (Who knows, maybe asking this question is like asking Placido Domingo if he’ll duet with me in a recital on a week’s notice, but I’m going to ask it anyway. I abhor the feeling of regret that comes with never trying.) Voilà. Et merci.

Most sincerely,
—Laura Smith

February 21, 2000

Alex Walker

Dear David,

This is very impressive collection. As you know, my wife, Cathy and I have also left Boston since the days when we worked with you there. You are a very gifted artist.

However, one would never know from this that David Henry is a young man in love with a beautiful wife! My only suggestion would be to throw in some “happy” pictures of Parisian street life. And I’m not talking about rich “yuppies” in fancy restaurants. I have been to Paris and it is a very romantic city. Sometimes the people on the street are the ones with the greatest zest for life.

After twenty years in the computer business, I too, am fascinated by the technology. I don’t think anyone has figured out all the possibilities. I can imagine, for example, a web page with a large photograph of a public place like the place de la Concorde. The user could click on different parts of the picture to see detailed images of groups of people, revealing some subtle nuance behind the “big picture.”

The future is an undiscovered country and I applaud you for having the guts to jump into it!

—Alex Walker
San Jose, California

March 7, 1997


I like your photographs. Of the ones in Paris, the portrait of the man with the mustache and the picture of the woman in the train station are fantastic.

I take it you weren’t in Paris for a long time. I couldn’t get a sense of that from your notes. I did notice a greater sense of distance with the photos in France than I did in the ones in the US, but I guess that can be attributed to being in a foreign and unfamiliar land.

I do my share of street shooting. Not enough, as I would like, I have to admit. I did a project documenting downtown Los Angeles for almost a year. That was a real challenge. I would go down one street for several blocks every weekend. It is a major shopping and entertainment area for the Latino community. I used to hang out and go to movies there when I was a kid. It was sort of visiting a part of my past and documenting it using my camera.

I would be curious to talk to you about your experience when shooting in the streets. I don’t have much of a chance to do so with the photographers I know here. Not many are into street photography.

I enjoyed your work and hopefully I will get a chance to see more of it.


March 8, 1997

Justin Ide


Some nice stuff there… found your site on the Black and White World. Funny thing is that I lived for almost two years in France and just moved from Somerville, MA and I am now about to start an in-depth project on the eldely homeless here in Boston… wild how things turn out.

Also like your “anti-counter” device… how did you do that?

—Justin Ide

March 18, 1997


I noticed that you live in Paris. What took you there? Your thoughts about differences in attitude towards the camera were interesting. I’ve never liked to have my photograph taken. Photographs of me don’t look like what I see in the mirror and I don’t like seeing a stranger glued into a photo album with my name printed underneath her.

I noticed your other web site, too and I understand just enough French to puzzle out the captions.

It’s funny: you say your pictures ask the viewer to recognize people they would otherwise have ignored, but I wrote a whole series of poems about people like that in the late eighties. Maybe that’s why I like your pictures.

I’m not in Boston anymore. After twenty years there, I decided it was time for a change. I moved to Montana in 1995.


April 4, 1997

Michael Manning

Hi, I came across your web site of photos and wanted to tell you that I enjoyed seeing your work. I’m from Boston myself and I remember seeing Ingrid. I’ve also photographed a lot of people living on the street. If you have the time while surfing check out my site and maybe let me know what you think. I’ve bookmarked your site and will check back for changes and new images…

Thanks, good luck
—Michael Manning

Content is a glimpse of something, an encounter like a flash. It’s very tiny—very tiny, content.
—Willem de Kooning

Enter the gallery of photographs of Paris

Portraits in Paris: with your family, friends and loved ones in the City of Light and the famous monuments of Paris in the background.

See the pictures I’ve taken in England

Take a look at the pictures I published in the Traveler’s Companion series of tourism/travel guide books, pictures of Canada, New England and Mediterranean France

Photography workshops in Paris: Learn the secrets behind these pictures!

Go to the home page of my web site

See the pictures I’ve taken in the United States

Take a look at the pictures I have taken on trips to Italy

See the pictures I took on a trip through Alsace-Lorraine

Take a look at the pictures I took on a trip through Switzerland

Jetlag and culture shock: Read my thoughts on what it is like taking pictures in Paris