35, rue des Trois Bornes 75011 Paris, France

How to order prints…

Google Local Guide in Paris, David HenryGoogle guide in Paris

Wedding photographer Paris

David Henry, featuring photographs taken in Paris, at the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame, the Louvre museum, California and of Sue Hartke and Edward Engel’s wedding at Lucy the Elephant, in Margate, New Jersey.

Everyone cheered and applauded as she and her fiancé David walked across pont des Art dressed in their wedding clothes, saying «Vive les jeunes mariés».

Ling in front pont des Arts on the Left Bank of the river Seine

Kids whetting their whistles while waiting for cake…

Kids whetting their whistles while waiting for cake

Lucy the Elephant, New Jersey, October 10th 2004.

Sue Hartke and Edward Engel, in Margate, New Jersey

Lucy the Elephant, New Jersey, October 10th 2004.

Sue Hartke and Edward Engel in front of Lucy the Elephant

Judith Vargo flew in from California to officiate at the wedding ceremony.

Edward Engel and Sue Hartke with Judy under Lucy the Elephant

Sue Hartke and Edward Engel underneath Lucy the Elephant after their wedding.

Sue Hartke and Edward Engel underneath Lucy the Margate Elephant

Arnold Engel with his daughter Lee Buchanan, who is holding a picture of Edward Engel when he was a baby

Arnold Engel & Lee Buchanan at Sue Hartke & Edward Engel’s wedding

Sue Hartke and Edward Engel’s wedding celebrated with bubbles

Celebrating with bubbles, on top of Lucy the Elephant

The beach, viewed from inside the belly of the beast, October 10th 2004

Edward Engel looking out over Margate from inside Lucy the Elephant

Max taking a quick detour through the realm of pre-made popcorn.

Max taking a quick detour through the realm of pre-made popcorn.

Go to the home page of my web site

Enter the gallery of photographs of Paris

See the pictures I’ve taken in the United States

See the pictures I published in the Traveler’s Companion series of tourism/travel guide books, pictures of Canada, New England and Mediterranean France

Take a look at the pictures I took on a trip through Switzerland

Photography workshops in Paris: Learn the secrets behind these pictures!

Portraits in Paris: with your family, friends and loved ones in the City of Light and the famous monuments of Paris in the background.

Take a look at the photographs I have taken on trips to Italy

See the pictures I took on a trip through Alsace-Lorraine

How to order prints…