35, rue des Trois Bornes 75011 Paris, France

Graphic Design by David Henry

Graphic design and layout by a designer from Boston, living in Paris since 1996. You may look over my résumé here

TimeOut Paris Eating and Drinking Guide

The cover of the TimeOut Paris Eating and Drinking Guide, a special edition booklet produced for Paris Travel Service.

By Courtesy, a 20-page magazine about culture, art and littérature printed in color in A4 tabloid format.

Romeo et Juliette, l’œuvre de William Shakespeare traduite en créole haïtien, éditée par la Presse Trilingue.

The cover of Romeo and Juliette, by William Shakespeare translated in to Haitian Creole, published by Trilingual Press.

Le logo pour Tambour/Tanbou, une revue de littérature, poésie et d’études politiques publié en français, anglais et créole haïtien.

The logo for Tambour/Tanbou, a journal of literature, poetry and political studies published in French, English and Haitian Creole.

Le logo pour Génération 500 ml, un festival international de street art.

The logo for Génération 500 ml, un international festival of street art.

La couverture de Human Landscape, un livre par Ewa Kuryluk, une artiste polonaise vivant à Paris.

The cover of Human Landscape, a book of collages by Ewa Kuryluk, a Polish artist living in Paris.

Montmartre So Chic Brochure

Montmartre So Chic, a three-fold brochure promoting an apartment offered for short-term rental on rue Tholozé in Paris.

La couverture du Traveler’s Companion New England.

The cover of the Traveler’s Companion New England. I laid out 28 of these books of 220–480 pages, with 200–300 color photographs and maps each; 18 of these books have been translated and published in French.